Project W Production Officially In The Real World

Posted: July 8, 2011 in Goody or Bady

Yo! Ni Hao! Osh! Que Paso! Wazzzup!

First off I apologize for being MIA for God knows how long. It was a busy semester at SFSU and I finally graduated w/ a cinema BA degree! Woohoo! It feels GRRRRREAT to finally get that degree and school over with. I know… I know… Y’all would say imma miss college life when I hit 30 and working non-stop in the “real world”, but as a filmmaker it is exactly why I’m glad I won’t miss school and here’s why:

1.) While the cinema department has been good to me, they are just poor when it comes to offering hands on production courses.

2.) I learn more being on a set as a PA than to listen to a lecture talking about film history.

3.) Schwarzenegger is forcing all Cal State Universities  with his big shades and Terminator pose because he wants to increase school tuition again by 15-30% in the next 2 years.  What’s the point in staying in school when I can learn everything on set.

Arnold Comes To SFSU With His Gun Telling Us To Pay Our Tuition


As much as I would love to party it up as a single college graduate, there’s really no time for that.  Ever since I graduated I’ve been working 5 days a week, 3 days at my office job and 2 days at the internship with Baycat, I am officially in the working world.

So whats the next step?  I will be doing what I do best which is doing a lot of DP and cinematography work as well as making money through videography and capture events.
What’s the future plan? Well in 3 years I plan to move to LA hoping to get a real job as a cinematographer and  if I’m lucky I’ll get to work with Justin Lin as my mentor!!! If not then I’m going to grad school for my MFA degree.

Justin Lin Attemps Suicide?

Director Justin Lin using cleanser to wash his mouth.....>.<

Project W Production (PWP) is continuing to grow and things are looking good.  I have collaborated with many other productions and I hope that Bay Area Filmmakers will all come together as a family to make one great film that represents Bay Area stories!

Here are a list of the productions I’ve worked with and will be working with in the future! Check out their sites and give us your support!

Last news of the day….
Filmmakers from PIXAR are coming to my internship studio to review the short film (Miles Away) that we shot 2 months ago and I DPed that film!!!! HOLY WOODY!  I’m so stoked to meet filmmakers from Pixar and have them critique my work.  Even if the review is bad, at least I’m being taught a lesson here and it will definitely make me a stronger filmmaker.  If the review is good/amazing or GODLY, then DAMN I might even get invited to join the team as a Pixar filmmaker.  Even Woody himself will be in awe when he sees the film! LOL~ Cross my fingers and hope for a good review.

"God Willis I love your film!!!!"

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